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Music Source Separation

Project Summary

This audio processing application leverages machine learning techniques to isolate vocal and instrumental components within a musical track. The application was built using Python and is empowered by a series of specialized libraries and tools such as TensorFlow, Keras, and the FloydHub cloud service for scalable computational resources.

Application in Action

Demo & Examples

Here’s a glimpse into the application’s capabilities:

Additionally, I’ve provided some audio examples to demonstrate the application’s ability to separate vocals from instrumentals. Note that these samples are proofs of concept and may contain imperfections that are being addressed in ongoing work.

Original Mix

Separated Vocal + Instrumental

Original Instrumental

Separated Instrumental

Original Vocal

Separated Vocal

Background & Motivation

My fascination with audio signal processing and machine learning led me to tackle the complex challenge of separating distinct elements, like vocals and instrumentals, in a given sound mix. The ability to isolate these components mimics human cognitive processes, where we can focus our auditory attention on specific elements within a complex acoustic environment—like hearing a single conversation in a noisy room or identifying the rustle of leaves amidst bird songs. This cognitive skill has always struck me as awe-inspiring and I was thrilled at the prospect of building a machine learning application that could replicate this capability.

Technical Details

The Model

The architecture of this application is largely inspired by a research paper that applied a modified UNet neural network originally designed for medical imaging. The authors adapted the UNet to work on spectrograms, which are 2D representations of sound where the x-axis corresponds to time, the y-axis to frequency, and pixel brightness represents sound intensity.

The UNet model was trained using supervised learning methods. Essentially, it learns to associate a given song with its corresponding acapella vocal track. During training, the network adjusts its internal parameters to minimize the difference between its output and the original acapella track.

Code Excerpt for UNet Model

Below is a Python code snippet illustrating the architecture of the UNet model, used for music source separation in this project.

import tensorflow as tf
from tensorflow.contrib import keras as keras
from keras import models, layers
class UNet():
def create_model (self,
img_shape = (512, 128, 1),
use_dropout = True):
Inputs: an image of shape
(batch, rows, cols, np.newaxis())
The encoder part (c1 -> c6) uses leaky relu.
The decoder part (dc5 -> dc1) uses relu.
Transposed convolution = Deconvolution
The decoder part uses dropout
in the first three layers
Keras uses dropout when training
but not when .predict
self.use_dropout = use_dropout
alpha = 0.2 # Amount of leakiness.
concat_axis = 3 # Concatenate over the filters
params = {
"kernel_size": (5, 5),
"strides": (2, 2),
"padding": 'same',
# Applied to the first three deconvolution layers
self.dropoutParams = {
"rate": 0.5,
"noise_shape": None,
"seed": None,
# Input
inputs = layers.Input (
shape = img_shape,
name = 'input'
# Encoder 1
c1 = layers.Conv2D (
name = 'c1',
filters = 16,
activation = 'linear',
) (inputs)
c1 = layers.LeakyReLU (alpha = alpha) (c1)
c1 = layers.BatchNormalization () (c1)
# Encoder 2
c2 = layers.Conv2D (
name = 'c2',
filters = 32,
activation = 'linear',
) (c1)
c2 = layers.LeakyReLU (alpha = alpha) (c2)
c2 = layers.BatchNormalization () (c2)
# Encoder 3
c3 = layers.Conv2D (
name = 'c3'
filters = 64,
activation = 'linear',
) (c2)
c3 = layers.LeakyReLU (alpha = alpha) (c3)
c3 = layers.BatchNormalization () (c3)
# Encoder 4
c4 = layers.Conv2D (
filters = 128,
name = 'c4'
activation = 'linear',
) (c3)
c4 = layers.LeakyReLU (alpha = alpha) (c4)
c4 = layers.BatchNormalization () (c4)
# Encoder 5
c5 = layers.Conv2D (
name = 'c5'
filters = 256,
activation = 'linear',
) (c4)
c5 = layers.LeakyReLU (alpha = alpha) (c5)
c5 = layers.BatchNormalization () (c5)
# Encoder 6
c6 = layers.Conv2D (
name = 'c6'
filters = 512,
activation = 'linear',
) (c5)
c6 = layers.LeakyReLU (alpha = alpha) (c6)
c6 = layers.BatchNormalization () (c6)
# Decoder 5
dc5 = layers.Conv2DTranspose (
name = 'dc5'
filters = 256,
activation = 'relu',
) (c6)
dc5 = layers.BatchNormalization () (dc5)
dc5 = self.addDropout (dc5)
# Concat 5
ch, cw = self.getCropShape (c5, dc5)
c5_crop = layers.Cropping2D (
cropping = (ch,cw)
) (c5)
cc5 = layers.concatenate (
[dc5, c5_crop],
axis = concat_axis
# Decoder 4
dc4 = layers.Conv2DTranspose (
name = 'dc4'
filters = 128,
) (cc5)
dc4 = layers.BatchNormalization () (dc4)
dc4 = self.addDropout (dc4)
# Concat 4
ch, cw = self.getCropShape (c4, dc4)
c4_crop = layers.Cropping2D (
cropping = (ch,cw)
) (c4)
cc4 = layers.concatenate (
[dc4, c4_crop],
axis = concat_axis
# Decoder 3
dc3 = layers.Conv2DTranspose (
name = 'dc3'
filters = 64,
activation = 'relu',
) (cc4)
dc3 = self.addDropout (dc3)
# Concat 3
ch, cw = self.getCropShape (c3, dc3)
c3_crop = layers.Cropping2D (
cropping = (ch,cw)
) (c3)
cc3 = layers.concatenate(
[dc3, c3_crop],
axis = concat_axis
# Decoder 2
dc2 = layers.Conv2DTranspose (
filters = 32,
name = 'dc2'
activation = 'relu',
) (cc3)
dc2 = layers.BatchNormalization () (dc2)
# Concat 2
ch, cw = self.getCropShape (c2, dc2)
c2_crop = layers.Cropping2D (
cropping = (ch,cw)
) (c2)
cc2 = layers.concatenate (
[dc2, c2_crop],
axis = concat_axis
# Decoder 1
dc1 = layers.Conv2DTranspose (
name = 'dc1'
filters = 16,
activation = 'relu',
) (cc2)
dc1 = layers.BatchNormalization () (dc1)
# Concat 1
ch, cw = self.getCropShape (c1, dc1)
c1_crop = layers.Cropping2D (
cropping = (ch,cw)
) (c1)
cc1 = layers.concatenate (
[dc1, c1_crop],
axis = concat_axis
# Output
mask = layers.Conv2DTranspose (
name = 'mask'
filters = 1,
activation = 'sigmoid',
) (cc1)
mask = layers.BatchNormalization () (mask)
''' Concatenated because we need access to both
input and output in our custom loss model. '''
output = layers.concatenate(
[inputs, mask],
axis = 3
model = models.Model (inputs = inputs, outputs = [output])
return model
def getCropShape (self, target, refer):
# width, the 3rd dimension
cw = (target._keras_shape[2] - refer._keras_shape[2])
assert (cw >= 0)
if cw % 2 != 0:
cw1, cw2 = int(cw/2), int(cw/2) + 1
cw1, cw2 = int(cw/2), int(cw/2)
# height, the 2nd dimension
ch = (target._keras_shape[1] - refer._keras_shape[1])
assert (ch >= 0)
if ch % 2 != 0:
ch1, ch2 = int(ch/2), int(ch/2) + 1
ch1, ch2 = int(ch/2), int(ch/2)
return (ch1, ch2), (cw1, cw2)
def addDropout(self, tensor):
if self.use_dropout():
return layers.Dropout (**self.dropoutParams) (tensor)
return tensor
# We need to make static method
# because keras wont pass the object proper
def l1norm (y_true, y_pred):
''' Custom Loss function
L1,1 norm of the difference of the target spectrogram
and the masked input spectrogram '''
# Get model input
mix = tf.slice (
[0, 0, 0, 0],
[-1, -1, -1, 1],
# Get model output
mask = tf.slice (
[0, 0, 0, 1],
[-1, -1, -1, -1],
'''' Multiply the input spectrogram
with the mask generated by the model
to get the spectrogram for the
acapella or intrumental '''
y_pred = tf.multiply(mix, mask)
''' Calculate the cost based on the distance
from the provided source truth "label" '''
_loss = tf.reduce_mean (
tf.reduce_sum (
tf.abs (
tf.subtract (y_pred, y_true)),
axis = (1,2,3)
return _loss

The code details the architecture of the neural network, incorporating various layers such as Conv2D, LeakyReLU, and BatchNormalization, as well as methods for calculating loss and optimizing parameters.

Future Work

While the current model demonstrates the feasibility of the concept, there are opportunities for further refinement to improve the quality of separation and reduce auditory artifacts. Some avenues include employing more sophisticated training techniques, augmenting the dataset, and potentially incorporating additional features for better generalization.


This project is a step forward in the pursuit of creating intelligent systems capable of auditory scene analysis, similar to human cognition. It holds a wide range of applications—from enhanced audio editing tools to innovative solutions for the hearing-impaired. I am excited to continue this journey of blending machine learning with audio signal processing to further push the boundaries of what’s possible.